Steroid Source Talk

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  1. H

    Who has the smoothest propionate?

    Dam I wanted to try Acetate. I use Prop because it's 6-7 days active which has several benefits. P has been some of the smoothest stuff I've pinned & the worst. Depends imo mostly on the solvent %s by the brewer. The basic 20bb/2 ba never has pip for me, so some ugls are prob loading it with...
  2. H

    What are you guys doing to manage blood pressure?

    BP is def spiked by a lot of NPP or Deca. Wonderful bulking compounds I can't do without, but it's due to the water retention that spikes it. I got a ton of Telmisartan raws on hand, but haven't needed any if I keep Nandro below say 250 for me but depends on the person. Its easily manageable
  3. H

    [Source] Synergy Forge

    Idk what happened but this is a tragic loss. Syn has been my favorite source. Fast ship, quality oils, no pip. For multiple orders. Idk why I always find good ones at the end of their run. What I wouldn't do to have this source reliable again.
  4. H

    XMR - the best kept secret from steroid vendors and LE is damned happy about it

    Customers I assume are fine. Unless you're ordering massive amounts that lead to believe you're distributing. I remember Brock Lesnar was busted for a huge order on his doorstep. The real issue tho is the dealers. LE crackdown spooks them into selling fake gear & so as consumers we can no...
  5. H

    Test P, NPP or Raws source, PM help

    I'm not asking for source shill replies, you're not supposed to. I've already used all of the sources on this board. Currently theres no good ones. I've had quite a few legit ones from SST in the past, they've just either dipped out or gotten spooked. I've even asked former legit sources for...
  6. H

    Pure anabolics question

    I can't speak for that source. As for Roid test, if your stuff tests fake the sources won't acknowledge it saying it's faulty, & I tend to agree Roid test is pretty shtty & inconsistent. They want you to do Janoshik which is expensive & takes a while. When the huge bulk of sources are fake...
  7. H

    Pure anabolics question

    I used to think scam sources came & went quickly too, but I've seen plenty remain in business to this day sometimes years after many ppl realized they were fake. All they need to do is pay their fees, have a ton of shill accounts constantly posting positive 'reviews' & it appears like it's 50...
  8. H

    [Source] Mint Anabolics - 15% OFF ALL OILS -- 25% OFF TrAmp Blend, Deca, EQ250 and Mast P

    All these hilarious posts, received their 3rd orders & so thrilled, can't wait to order again, who haven't used it or 'product appears good' lol. Like they're addicted to giving money & having packages show up. Or love looking at vials of oil lol. Been noticing the % of 'reviews' that are solely...
  9. H

    Finding raws & melting points. DO, Buck, QSC, TC

    I wasn't intending to diss the sources as much as legit wonder about temps unless my raws had been bad. It's actually a chance to sing source praise since Bucks raws worked out well.. & not much changed since my DO brews. DOs off this board anyway but ya I don't mind dissing their oil raws, even...
  10. H

    Finding raws & melting points. DO, Buck, QSC, TC

    Also ive had no issues with ancillaries. DOs Cialis, Viagra & telmisartan were all good but the oils no. Still high hopes for Bucks stuff.
  11. H

    Finding raws & melting points. DO, Buck, QSC, TC

    I don't yet know on Bucks NPP & Test P. I'm 5 days into using it. It was the smoothest pinning batch so far. The other 3 were all busts & initially I didn't brew as long or as hot & got horrible pip. Now I'm more concerned of over doing it. Cotton seed also wasn't great for me but Grape seed...
  12. H

    Finding raws & melting points. DO, Buck, QSC, TC

    I've pretty much run out of next steps. In 4 years I've used around 35 vendors for oils, testing some, & batting around 50%. I've been home brewing also for a year, using 4 raws sources, Tejas, QSC, Dragon ordnance & now Buck. Roughly 20 vials brewed, 12 dif products, At 1st there was awful pip...
  13. H

    [Source] Synergy Forge

    Test E 300 IS a high concentration & prob your highest chance of pip. All you can do is increase shot frequency, warm the oil, make sure your going deep IM/needle length, alternate more. I use Prop, eod, so if it lumps I know somethings up.
  14. H

    [Source] MuscleCandy —

    This was the lowest quality I've ever tried in 30+ vendors. Others mentioned awful PIP, well this was another level. For me, low TRT doses of Test P 100 & NPP 100 shot daily, often separately on opposite sides. 2 weeks & over 20 lumps later. Ya that's the lowest dose & concentration possible &...
  15. H

    [Source] Synergy Forge

    Just note the differences between the TRT shots & these. If everythings the same, then gee I wonder what the diff is. Problem with TRT is you may not be prescribed enough & you won't be getting Nandrolone. If anyone knows how to acquire pharma compounded Nandrolone, id give my left nut to know.
  16. H

    [Source] Dragon Ordnance - SOURCE REMOVED FROM SST

    Go to Janoshik site or email him for directions. There are a couple other labs.. I concur on Tejas oils. Last several orders were trash after 2 legit ones. Then his raws caused unreal PIP I've never experienced before. Maybe the raws are the problem idk but good sources never seem to last.
  17. H

    [Source] Dragon Ordnance - SOURCE REMOVED FROM SST

    Got my order in 4 weeks.. I've now brewed 4 vials of both Test P & NPP, tweaking each recipe as they all caused horrible PIP. The 4th was the smoothest at 1%BA/15%BB, in Usp Grape seed oil, twice filtered. l dropped the concentration to 80mg/ml so this is about the lowest chance of Pip possible...
  18. H

    Tejas Cardinal 10/10

    This source is biting the dust sadly. I got 2 good orders out of him too dammit, but as they say, a source is only as good as his last batch
  19. H

    [Source] Dragon Ordnance - SOURCE REMOVED FROM SST

    If it's international, there's about 3 weeks with no updates. Id plan to wait 4 weeks before getting worried. I got tracking updates about 6 days in, then nothing until 25 days & had the order I think at 27 days. So you won't hear crap until right before you get it. Standard for anything China.
  20. H


    I brewed a few vials now of his Raws & its the most cripplingly painful pip of all time. I never even get pip nor care, but Idk what this is. Ive lowered BA & BB & dropped the concentration of Test Prop to 80mg/ml. Its insane. So theres no testing done on the Raws? Has anyone tried them?