Aight so i finished my full year blast and i had to stop cold turkey for 2 months, for some reason i don't feel bad. Back to the point i'm planning on doing this:
250mg Test E, 600mg Masteron Enanthate, 500mg Deca. I'll maybe add Dianabol, if not Tbol, and lastly some proviron and Cialis. I'll...
Hey guys I'm hoping someone here can help me out with trying to dial in with testosterone. After injecting 40mg EOD and 250iu of hCG EOD for 3 weeks my blood work came back and my test is 1486 and my estradiol was 190pmol (both high). Everything else is within range. I was initially taking 60mg...
Hey all, 31, low t diagnosed at 91 ng/dl back in 2019 been on 120mg a week trt since and am wanting to try and add something more. I’m a bit of a hypochondriac so don’t make fun. 120mg every 3.5days puts me about 1400/700 weekly drawn the morning of my second weekly shot. E2 is about 37. I did...
Hey all,
I'm about 4 weeks into a testosterone propionate cycle and I've noticed I'm having side effects in the last 10 or so days. For the first half I was injecting 70-80mg EOD/basically 4 times a week and injecting 250iu of hCG EOD. After I started noticing mood swings, hot flashes, and...
With anabolic steroid use (specifically testosterone), how common and likely is hair loss and is it slow/gradual or rapid? Also, does anyone have any experience with finasteride or minoxidil? I've heard there are quite a few side effects...
I'm only two injections in with testosterone propionate: 80mg for the first and then I dropped down to 70mg for the second (this is EOD). I'm also taking hCG 250iu EOD. I haven't noticed any positive changes and more negatives such as a headache one night, a runny nose one night, feeling...
Link to Bloodwork
Insert Image Link Here
Test Ester Running
Weekly Testosterone Dose (mg)
Other Compounds in Cycle
Masteron E (Also Hyp's)
Weekly Dose Other Compunds (mg)
Weeks Run
6 weeks
Draw Time from Last Pin
72 Hours, I usually pin ED...
I just got my first blood exam after taking my stuff from a new Source (CANADA)
(Back to end 2022)
Testo around 8 nmol/L
Estradiol around 160 pmol/L
(Back to end 2023 to now)
Testo from around 15 nmol/L to 98 nmol/L
Estradiol from around 200 pmol/L to 80 pmol/L
I'm Taking (last 30 to 45 days)...
I have been diagnosed with an eyelid condition that some Italian doctors believe can be fixed by application of topical testosterone cream. I’m in pretty desperate need of a source because my test is too high for a prescription. Anyone know of anything that can help?
I’m USA based
I bought some test a while back and I had a vile and a half left over. When I moved I threw it in my glove box and forgot about it. I wanna get back on a test cycle, can I use that test vile if its been sitting there for months. Temperatures has gone up and down and sometimes even over 100...
Those of you who have ordered products through Synergy and/or HunterPharm:
Which vendor do you prefer?
Does one offer superior product over the other?
I’m trying to decide which vendor I’d like to order through as both of these guys seem pretty well-reviewed and have been around for a while.
I'm 33 y.o, currently been on hgh for about 8 weeks want to add some test for 6-10 weeks but am unsure what I should start off with. I have t400 but was told that wouldnt be the best starting point....
Any suggestions??
Taking the hgh for torn ligaments and muscles that were healed by prp...
Just did a first anavar cycle only 25 mg / day and feel great but gains are indeed very mild. Looking forward to do my first injectable cycle that would look like :
Test E 400 mg x 16 weeks (once a week)
Anavar 25 mg 1 x day for the last 50 days
Arimidex x .5mg a day for the last 50days...
What’s up guys ?
I used SARMS (RAD140 and LGD Stack) few month back and I always got told to take test because its side effects are way better.
So after some research I found 500mg/wk for 12 weeks is a good starting point. I wanted to ask should I be getting test e or c and what AI (aromatase...
Have trained for 5 years
Dialed in diet for 1.5 years with bulks and cuts to recomp
Started test e in January, 500 a week (2 doses of 250) ran with Anavar for 6 weeks.
Ran test same dose since then with diet and training consistency, but more towards summer cut. Down about 25-27 lbs...
In a week or two I plan on going on my first cycle of 300mg of test and I was wondering, if I start noticing sides when and how many times I should administer my AI. I’m planning on using aromasin and I’m new to this whole deal so I was wondering how many times a week I should take it if needed...
When it comes to test and infertility a lot of people are telling me once I hop on I won’t be able to procreate which I think is bs. This is kind of a dumb question I feel like but I need some feedback. Since ya’ll probably know a lot more than the people I work with. Any feedback is...
Just a question for y’all, soon I’ll be hopping on my first cycle and I’m stuck between starting off with 300mg of test or 500mg. I realize that usually the more mg the more likely side effects will show up. However, I didn’t know if it was worth it starting off with 300 or 250 because I’m...