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Blood work scare


A month and a half ago I started a 450 mg/wk test e cycle and after two weeks my blood pressure shot up to 150/90 and I got extremely anxious and quit, assuming my natural production wasn’t ruined. My test and e2 were 2200 and 115 2 days after my last pin. Took 3 half tabs of aromasin to combat the e2. Three and a half weeks after my last pin my LH and FSH were back on however lower then before and my total test was 125 and e2 was 19. Feeling super lethargic and dick doesn’t really work now. Need advice. Hop back on at 120 test? Just curious what others would do in this situation. My bp is now 130/80 fyi


Active member
Seems like you didn't really think this through all the way... you aren't giving us very much information to help you. What was your diet like? Are you prone to high BP? Do you do any cardio? There's many factors at play here. When did you TEST your BP?


Seems like you didn't really think this through all the way... you aren't giving us very much information to help you. What was your diet like? Are you prone to high BP? Do you do any cardio? There's many factors at play here. When did you TEST your BP?
Diet was 90% clean, physical job so cardio 4 days a week, weight train 6 days a week. BP taken one week into cycle and one day after last pin. My Bp was 115/70 before


Well-known member
Water retention + probably nervous and maybe caffeine affected things. No matter what the cause, you're just simply not ready for this step and I hope you recover well naturally. Check bloods when it's been 8 weeks since last pin and see where you're at. Good luck. Don't go back on unless it's scripted TRT and under doctor's care.


Active member
People underestimate how long it takes to recover fully and for this stuff to clear out of their system. 19-Nors take 3-4 months to fully clear. (Yes I know you didn’t take that)

You’ll be fine. Just give it time. Could try some clomid, but the time it takes to kick in you’re probably gonna be back to normal.


Active member
It’s been 3 weeks. You still have the test in your system actively pushing down your production, let alone have you given your system time to get going again.

It’ll be a bit but you’re (probably) fine. Next time get your ducks in a row first or you’ll end up fucking your shit up.