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Bulk up boi


So im trying to continue to bulk up , just not where I wana be size wise yet šŸ˜…, how has deca treated yall ?. So far Iā€™ve done test , anavar , eq , anadrol. Tbh I feel like anadrol didnā€™t do much for me this last cycle I ran it with eq and test . Iā€™m most definetly built as a hard gainer I have to just eat eat eat always have, so as far as My next cycle to bulk some more Iā€™d like yalls opinion , should I just go Test and deca ? Should I have a oral in there ? I havenā€™t fucked with dbol so maybe hold on that till I try deca maybe throw anavar in last weekā€™s after deca to clean up a bit? Any input appreciated my Gs hope everybody doing well n gaining like animals .
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Active member
That is if youā€™re around 6 ft and trying to surpass the 265lbs barrier, ime. For less weight, lower dosages and eat less food.
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Well-known member
No such thing as a ā€˜hardgainerā€™, just people who donā€™t like to eat a whole lot and havenā€™t figured out the liquid calorie solution yet. Highest run I have done involving Deca was Test+Deca at 1g/wk apiece until I ran out of em (somewhere around 22 weeks give or take a pin), and the lowest I have run is 600 Deca on cruise dose of Test. Iā€™m one of the people who gets the (likely placebo) joint health support from the drug, but this is an individual basis thing- Not everyone reports this effect, same as how some people respond poorly to anadrol and get gyno no matter what while others never get it.
On any run of Test/Deca I have looked fuller 24/7 and higher volume training seemed to be easier to perform and also recover from although this could also just be due to the programming I ran while on the compound. I did hit my best raw bench while on the 1G Test/Deca run, but I am not fully sold on the idea that I couldnā€™t have also done the same weight or more on 600mg.
The doses I ran are purely out of convenience and price- I found some 600mg/ml vials of Deca going cheap at one source so thatā€™s what I ran, and then my highest run I found 500mg/ml dosing and was just gonna do 600 again but Iā€™m incredibly lazy and itā€™s easier to just measure a consistent 1ml each pin so I ended up at 1G/wk total, same for the Test which was also 500mg/ml vials. I do not really advise that as I cannot say that the higher dose worked better in any quantifiable way.
Iā€™ll be running very low (200-300 depending on what sources are selling) Deca in my next blast just hoping to get the joint support more than anything.
Iā€™d advise you just try a cruise dose of Test and a moderate amount of Deca to start and just see how that goes before stacking, otherwise you wonā€™t learn how your body reacts to just the Deca.
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@JDLift ill be cruising in like 2 weeks , wonā€™t deca cause Ed problems and shit if its higher than test was gonna do 150mg a week test e , and as far as caber is it likely to be needed seems a source I go to Iā€™d have to spend money in the int section to get it.
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I agree with @JDLift , itā€™s mostly about calories in, and partially about time underneath the dosage. Iā€™ve always cut on my blasts and gained little size out of it. I get shredded, and definitely have an athletic look, but I have never been one of the biggest guys in my gym. For the past 3 months, Iā€™ve been on low dose test, tren, mast, but I also have been consuming 5,000+ calories a day. I put down 16 oz of peanut butter a day, 32 oz of steak, 4-8 eggs, and a metric ton of oats. Definitely fatter than Iā€™ve ever been on cycle, but the tissue gains make it worth it for sure. The only side effect I have is breathing like I am about to have a heart attack. My resting heart rate jumped from the 50ā€™s to the low 90ā€™s. For reference, I jumped from being 5ā€™10 160 lbs at 9% bf max, to like 190 lbs at about 18% bf max.
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I agree with @JDLift , itā€™s mostly about calories in, and partially about time underneath the dosage. Iā€™ve always cut on my blasts and gained little size out of it. I get shredded, and definitely have an athletic look, but I have never been one of the biggest guys in my gym. For the past 3 months, Iā€™ve been on low dose test, tren, mast, but I also have been consuming 5,000+ calories a day. I put down 16 oz of peanut butter a day, 32 oz of steak, 4-8 eggs, and a metric ton of oats. Definitely fatter than Iā€™ve ever been on cycle, but the tissue gains make it worth it for sure. The only side effect I have is breathing like I am about to have a heart attack. My resting heart rate jumped from the 50ā€™s to the low 90ā€™s. For reference, I jumped from being 5ā€™10 160 lbs at 9% bf max, to like 190 lbs at about 18% bf max.
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Well-known member
@Jswole99 Thatā€™s mostly a gear myth/urban legend. ā€œDeca dickā€ is about as real as ā€œRoid rageā€ in my experience, but idk. I had a high fuckin sex drive going into all my runs with Deca and have not been single once during any of em so sex was always available and my partner at the time walked around naked or nearly naked 24/7 in the apartment so it was kinda hard to not always be wanting it. Might skew the experience slightly. If youā€™re single and trying to fill holes on Tinder it might be an issue anyway due to anxiety and the voice in your head placebo effecting you into thinking the Deca will make it hard to get hard, and then you end up not getting it up in time and the modern female runs off to fuck Chad instead. Just donā€™t fall for the myth and you should be fine.
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@JDLift alright then my G guess some trial shall happen on da cruise , 150 to 200 deca to start with 150 test e a week sound solid though? And through the cruise if that works once I come out if cruise increase deca maybe throw dbol at that point since I will have assessed the deca situation.
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@HeftyLefty yeah I believe so I asked around on here and it seemed okay from response I got back I didnā€™t seem to have much of a problem. I started getting headaches though so I cut the eq and finished out the rest of adrol although I canā€™t say it did much for me first time running the drol. As far as rbc I got my blood work done my hematocrit looked fine my platelets were high and Iā€™m not sure if at the time I had blood pulled she stuck me weird or what but she had a hard time getting blood.
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Active member
Tell me that is some sort of typo bro. Ha,
16 ounces of Peanut butter a day??? Plus 32oz of steak and 8 eggs?. Plus ā€œa metric ton of oatsā€? At 190 lbs?.
300 grams of fat and almost 400grams of protein PLUS a ton of carbs???
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@chimpanzee19 yeah no where near that brodie, 5ā€™4 on a good day hovering in the 150sšŸ˜… had alot of yoyoin coming on and off the first cycles I did reason being why I choose to go BnC now. If only young me 5 years ago didnā€™t put all dat no good shit up da nose n waste away all the gains I had from highschool ball lol
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I personally have a hard time on deca. My mental health starts to plummet. I get very unmotivated and lethargic. Iā€™m not a person who takes naps consistently, but on deca I have to take naps mid day or I will be nodding out around the 2 oā€™clock mark. That being said, I believe it is one of the best compounds we have available as far as adding actual tissue. I am currently running 500mg/week test 600mg/wk EQ 350mg/wk NPP and 50mg/day anadrol. Compounds were added in at differeing parts of the cycle to keep the gains coming by adding new stimuli. I am currently 14wks in and up 20lbs as of today while maintaining a decent bf% ~15-16%.

The NPP seems to be hitting my mental health a bit at this point but it is not nearly as bad as the last time I ran deca. Never ran into any ED issues and I am also partial to believe that it is a myth.
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Active member
If you cant grow on a good dose of test and some dbol or adrol you could have 3 issues
Your not eating enough, seems like your getting more than enough calories but not in optimal micros for you.
Your not getting enough rest or recuperation days off.
Your training is shit meaning not training short and intense or training too much hindering gains.
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@EpicFlash haha Nah not a typo. Iā€™ve put on hella weight the last 12 weeks. About 30 pounds. Realistically, about half of it is fat, but Iā€™m okay with that.

Most of my calories are liquid. I make 3 shakes a day that consists of 2 eggs, 5 oz of peanut butter, 1/2 cup of oats, bananas, cocoa powder, chia seeds, yogurt or whole milk, and whey. The rest of my calories are from two 16 oz steaks for lunch and dinner.
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New member
Youā€™re definitely getting enough - and then some. 3,500 calories is a pound. If youā€™ve put on 30lbs in 12 weeks and think about 15 is fat, then you need to dial back the calories. Thatā€™s 1.25lbs of fat a week. That means after maintenance, then after whatever your body needed for lean tissue accrual, youā€™re still slamming somewhere north of 4,000 extra calories going towards body fat

A surplus is to ensure you have ample calories to grow, but the wider the margin doesnā€™t mean youā€™re going to gain more LBM for it. Eventually youā€™re just putting on extra fat in excess of what youā€™d gain on a normal surplus
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