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@LockandLoadLabs aromasin blood work


Dec 6, 2021
Reaction score
Test Ester RunningTest-E (Nov 2021 batch)
Weekly Testosterone Dose (mg)75Mg E5D
Other Compounds in Cycle@LockandLoadLabs Aromasin 12.5mg tabs (Nov 2021 batch)
Weekly Dose Other Compounds (mg)12.5mg
Weeks Run8 weeks
Draw Time from Last Pin72
Blood Results
Testosterone Reading in ng/dl879 ng/dl
Testosterone Multiplier
Test Capped at 1500?No
Estrogen (E2) Reading pg/ml58 pg/ml
Liver/Lipids Elevated?No
Anything Else Goes Below

Following up from my previous bloodwork here (https://steroidsourcetalk.cc/index.php?threads/lock-and-load-test-e-250-wk.14060/).

As I was tapering off 250 test-e/wk back in June 2022, I began my cruise the following 4 months with Test-E at 75mg/wk E5D. Ran @LockandLoadLabs aromasin 12.5mg EOD on weeks 1-2*, 12.5mg E3D on weeks 3-4, and 6.25mg E5D on weeks 5-8. On weeks 9-16, I popped a 6.25mg tab maybe 3 times total throughout that time span. End result: my e2 went from 100 to 58 as shown in this blood report. Safe to say LnL aromasin is legit.

*I ran nothing but pharma aromasin in my lifetime and underestimated UGL aromasin, hence the pretty high dosage to start. With this lab work and experience, I now have a better understanding on how to dose LnL's aromasin and hope this helps you as well!


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