Dear valued clientele of SST,
We have spoken with this client and he hasn't provided any proof of purchase, and will not say who he grabbed the order from, etc. We are actively trying to resolve this matter with them but there's been no proof given that SYN tablets were tested, besides an offer to show a picture of the product from the client. Further to this, if you look at the Janoshik reports, there is no proof on the reports that SYN tablets were tested. It states that the manufacturer is unknown. Please note that we are absolutely willing to reimburse the cost of the product, and the cost of testing, but have unfortunately not been given any evidence that this order was made. We will continue to try and work with this client if he is willing to work together with us.
Regarding these test results, and without getting super technical on this, we use a twin-shell V-blender for all of our tableting. We also utilize a process referred to as "step blending" which ensures consistency throughout each individual tablet. The variances which were posted do not align with those practices. Further to that, if one understands the tableting process (no fault of theirs if they don't), one would understand that there's no means of producing one tablet at one amount and the other tablet at another amount. They're either all 9mg per tablet (for example), or they're all 7mg per tablet. There's no way to toggle the active ingredient up or down as the tableting process takes place.
My primary concern is one of two things; 1) that our tablets weren't actually the ones which were tested, or 2) that the product sent was somehow tampered with in advance. Perhaps it didn't even come from an authorized Syn representative. I don't know, obviously. My first step was to verify with the client, who they purchased these items from. That's what I'd like to determine before anything else. The second, which we have already inquired with Janoshik about, is whether or not those were verified SYN tablets (whether via picture, description, etc.)
Please understand that no one is pointing the finger at the client for this. I personally have over a decade of involvement with this industry and take a great deal of pride in the product which I offer to the end user. The results which were posted aren't something taken lightly, nor is it something our team will just scoff at and pretend didn't exist. This is concerning on a number of levels and we intend to rectify it.
Kind regards,