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Sus 250 and tren a recomp

I haven't lifting in couple years. I'm 5 foot 6 185 about 20 to 25 bf @ 37 yr old and srs. Alcolic. I can bench 135 for about 15. I plan on doing sus .75 and tren a .25 3 times a week. Need advic3 on lifting and diet. Thanks


Well-known member
Skip Tren, skip Sustanon, go to a real doctor and get checked to see how your test levels are. If they're low, two options: 1) Legit pharma TRT with a script from doc if you have insurance, or 2) Buy Test Cyp or Enth from sources here and run 200mg/wk instead. This willl at least put you up into a much better hormonal range to make muscle tissue easier to put on and fat easier to lose. Stick with this for a while, at least until you're in a relatively healthy body composition and strength level.

185 @ 5'6 and that much fat nearing 40 years old is not good bud, and as much as I like to believe gear is perfectly safe it does tend to raise blood pressure and put more stress on the organs even in healthy people and you're not exactly healthy. Alcoholic? Goodbye liver if you hop on Tren or any orals. Cut the alcohol out immediately, fuck that shit it just destroys you; Start putting in serious work and effort at the gym and you will feel better sober than you ever did while hammered.

You need to cut down first so you can take stress off your body (heart mostly), reduce or completely remove alcohol consumption, find a beginner program that looks fun (Google 'beginner bodybuilding program' or 'beginner powerlifting program') and stick with it for a few months or more. Drop your calories down, try to get them to no more than 2400 per day (I looked up your TDEE for you- 2400/day on slightly elevated Test as a beginner should work) and make the 'best available' choices in foods (Water over soda, meat over junk) but don't kill yourself trying to be incredibly strict because you can be really inconsistent on diet at your stage and still drop from 20-25% down to 15% within 6-12 months and by not forcing yourself to adhere to strict dieting you won't burn out.

Get yourself to the 15% or so range (Top abs clearly visible when flexing midsection, but only faintly outlined if unflexed is a good way to measure this) which I'd imagine when combining muscle tissue growth with fat loss at your height should be around 170 on the scale. I'm not saying rush to 170, I'm saying that when you reach 15% body fat through a combo of building lean tissue and removing fat you'll likely be around 170. So if the scale is in that area and your abs are visible if you crunch down hard on em, congratulations that's a good place to start real cycles.

Come back to the forum when you have your body in a healthier place and ask us for help, because I'm not gonna advise someone who may be close to organ failure (Liver bro, it matters) to hop on harsh ass compounds just to get into moderately better shape so they can look a bit better in a casket. If you put in work and effort and clean up your lifestyle a bit then plenty of people will be happy to guide you on the path to steroid levels of gains but until then you really need to work on things that do not involve a needle or pill.


Active member
I don’t think you’re ready. You’re replacing the alcohol with gear. Replacing 1 addicting habit with another.

Get your diet in check; start doing cardio, stop the alcohol and become sober.

You’re setting yourself up to failure and more health issues


New member
Unrelated slightly, however getting sober was the best thing I ever did for myself 6 years ago. It helped me stick to a diet, progress in my career, and allowed me to really benefit from any gear use as I was maximizing my diet and training program for a long time before I hopped into the dark side . Just a thought man, definitely go to doc first completely agree.