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What am I doing wrong?


Dec 24, 2020
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I’ve read many posts about people gaining 15-30 lbs on cycle. I’m on my third cycle right now taking 750 mg of test. I decided on the dose sort of as an experiment to see if I would actually gain weight this time.

I didn’t gain anything my first two cycles of 500 mg per week. Didn’t get any water retention or anything like that either. My strength definitely went up a lot though. I know the test was legit because I got it from colonial labs.

I was eating 3.2k to 4.2k calories per day and working out at least three times a week, usually more.

Only on my fourth week of 750 mg but really hoping I gain some decent weight this time. Eating 4K calories more consistently every day, but never below 3.2k.

I guess what I’m wondering is if anyone has ever had this issue and what they did to correct it. Also tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Use @azteca
I had the same problem with Colonial. Lost weight on his Test and Deca. Weird…

But 4K calories at any body weight below 250, you should gain weight… if it’s good clean good. You may need to lift 4x a week.

Shoulders and arms.

Eat Train Inject Sleep (8hrs)


Active member
Jun 8, 2021
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How long have you been training, and are you sure you’re tracking calories correctly?

Like the above poster said at 4k+ calories unless you’re a giant or doing crazy cardio, you would either be putting on muscle or fat.

Other than that like Nswole said… sleep well, eat well, train hard, but rest. Spend a week really tracking your calories as well.
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Dec 24, 2020
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@nswole1 yeah it definitely is weird man. Thing is I’ve even thrown in a vial of pharma grade test cyp on my cycles and still haven’t seen anything on the scale.

I do plan on trying a different source at some point just to see if anything changes. Just ordered a bunch more stuff from colonial though lol. Thanks for your response.
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Dec 24, 2020
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@Justintime85 I’ve been lifting consistently for 8 years. I was able to go from 150 lbs to 170 lbs as a natty. But I didn’t start having respectable lifts until I got on trt.

I use MyFitnessPal to track calories and have been pretty consistent with it. I’m sure I could be fucking something up though.

Definitely starting to get discouraged here.
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Active member
Oct 20, 2020
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Eat more PUFA’s and you should see a change. This isn’t gear related as you should gain weight no matter what. Examine your diet, nuts are high in fat and calories, and PUFA’s are needed anyways if you want to get huge and not look like a tub of shit while bulking. Just try it for a month and report back.
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Active member
Jun 8, 2021
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Well this is beyond me then. Maybe swap up the compounds and see if you respond to stacks better?

I’ve heard of guys running a gram of test… get blood work but it’s probably not unheard of.
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Would Pharma (TRT) only get you to baseline. But either way, if you eat and train and don’t have low T you should gain weight, regardless of if Colonial is legit…


Active member
Dec 18, 2020
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This isn’t rocket science. If you’re not gaining weight you’re not eating enough. Also I know we are on the Internet, but in real life gaining 10lb of actual muscle in a cycle is amazing results. The people saying they put on 30-40lb are measuring bottom scale to top scale results (ie they’re measuring the added temporary glycogen and food in their stomachs and usually gobs of added fat).
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Active member
Feb 18, 2018
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@nswole1 are you saying colonial has bunk gear? Kinda seems that way…or are you just shilling for azteca. I’m not saying you’re lying but if you’re going to call out a source at least have some proof like some bloodwork. Colonial probably has the most bloods and lab tests of any source on the board currently.
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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2021
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Most people on forums are larping and massively bullshitting their weight, body fat %, lifts, and even lie about their doses/protocols. They’ll actually probably reply to my comment and try to cover their asses. A lot of people also talk out their fuckin ass about this stuff and have no legitimate clue what they’re talking about but they think they do because they watched a couple MPMD videos or followed Rich Piana before he died.

The greatest gear success I have seen personally is my fiance using 20mg anavar daily off and on for a year while following programming I wrote for her (7 year lifter, compete in powerlifting) and in her first 2 years of lifting (no prior athletic/sport training, not a generally athletic person, not a genetic freak) she achieved a 385 squat, 230 bench, 365 deadlift and won a few trophies. Her body weight dropped, her muscle mass/frame changed quite dramatically (Not jacked/shredded but like a very muscular 15% bf guy frame kinda; Watery, full, big back/traps/shoulders/thighs/arms and fluffy stomach) and her lifts are considered ‘elite’ in her weight class apparently. She got burned out and bored of powerlifting and hasn;t progressed beyond that point still but this is by far t he most impressive real life enhanced progress I have ever seen and I include my own experience too.

On gear I personally started a natty 230, dropped to 200 on first cycle while adding 40lbs to bench, 70lbs to deadlift and 35lbs to squat (I have a slight disability from spinal surgery so squats suck). I got leaner, but my frame seemed larger at 200 enhanced than 230 natty though that’s probably the illusion of size that comes with being leaner.
Second cycle 200-220, added 20lbs to bench, 5lbs to deadlift, 25lbs to squat (Switched up stances and programming, did a lot less deadlifting this cycle).
Third cycle stayed 220 and recomped, did bodybuilding, was basically offseason just fixing imbalances, posture, working on rep maxes.
Fourth cycle dropped 220-185 on a crash/starvation diet then filled back up to 198, added 10lbs to bench but the single was like RPE7 so I had more but didn’t test it further this cycle since you don’t get a 4th lift in comp, deadlift stayed the same but moved easier subjectively, squat up 10lbs, substantially leaner, harder, more vascular.
Fifth cycle 198-200, added 5lb to bench, 15lb to deadlift, competed push/pull this cycle so no squat numbers. 2lb weight change on the scale looked like a shit load more in reality though; Shoulders and traps plus upper pec at the clavicle really took off big time; I switched programing to not include squatting due to not being needed in the meet and hammered my pressing muscles and back. Managed a 225 strict standing OHP and 230 Log Press and 330 stone to 66 inch platform for fun.

Current stats are 585/375/615, 198lbs AM weight and I’m certainly under 15% body fat but I can’t accurately tell you more than that . I’m not a genetically gifted person, not a crazy responder, never ran over 1G of total gear a week, never ran more than Test + 1 other injectable + 1 oral, never gave a shit about what I eat (Cheesecake every day at one point literally!) and the only variables I take seriously are the programming and the weights I move each session. Some larping morons will say this is shit progress and shit lifts and that’s fine because I can walk into any gym on the planet and be highly likely to outlift all but a small number of people and I look better than most.

Recently I had a guy in my gym tell me he’s on fucking Tren and he was only incline benching 135 and was asking me how I can somehow incline 315. Told him I’m natty and just worked for years. Point is though, not everyone on this shit is equal and VERY FEW people get insane results from this shit.

For most people gear isn’t going to blow you up, make you strong as shit, make you super lean, turn you into a national level athlete, etc. This shit just enhances what YOU could naturally do. There are guys who walk in a gym day 1 and hit a 1000lb total, and there are guys who can’t bench the bar. The guy who hits 1000lb total day 1 is going to be another Larry Wheels type on gear. The guy who can barely bench the bar is going to reach better numbers and physique than they would’ve without gear but they’re never going to be that freak of nature type guy.

I know this is a very long post but I wanted to give you some real insight into gear. I thought a few years ago it would turn me into Ronnie Coleman magically and that just is not the case. You will be better than your natural self but that’s about all you can guarantee with gear. Just give it time, try to stick to structured programming and stay off fucking Instagram and shit; Do not compare some 1/10000000 jacked freak to yourself and get upset that you’re not that person. And of course if this ruins your outlook on gear and what you can achieve then I highly recommend you just hop off it and pursue natty lifting. The reality of gear is not actually what people lie about it to be online with anonymous accounts and no pictures/videos to back themselves up.
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Sure, I’m saying that.
I’ve been training for YEARS.
I have a local source, gear is amazing.
Azteca. Got blood drawn today, I’m sure it’ll come back great…
From experience I can just tell those 2 sources have QUALITY stuff…
I was on the local source sitting at 204 (TRT dosage) I decided to blast, ordered from colonial (1 gram test, 500 deca) I increased my calories from maintenance (3000-3300) to 4K. Went from 204 to 185 in less then 2 weeks… felt like ass, libido was GONE. Immediately figured the gear was bunk, switched back to TRT from local source (while trying to figure out what to do with all gear from colonial and get my hands on more test to blast with) and my weight and energy etc shot right back up….

I did not have time to get bloods, because I didn’t care enough (he only charges $25 a bottle….) and I didn’t want to feel like ass for weeks while I got a referral for bloods… (it’s hard to get bloods where I live)

So lastly. The gear I GOT. Was ass. Won’t order again.

Aside from the nearly pharma grade I get locally, I’ve only tried Azteca… so yes, for now, I would 100% recommended him, considering his gear is working for me… looks like the guy who made this post is having the same issue with colonial and my brother in law also doesn’t like colonial… guess you get what you pay for.

Edit… why doesn’t he have ANY bad or even neutral reviews… ALL good. You took this out of perspective, I was just giving him a possible reason as to him being stuck at a weight… just my 2 cents on how I responded to his gear…


Jul 13, 2021
Reaction score
By that logic, where are Azteca’s bad reviews? Both sources put out good shit so both have good reviews. If and when one of them shits the bed, the bloodwork and labs will prove it and they will be out, same as any other. I get you having a bad experience, but this is rubbing me the same way as the dude who claimed he could taste under-dosed test. If you’re gonna recommend a reason someone has bad results, probably advise bloodwork before anecdotally shitting on a well received source.
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He has some. He also doesn’t 100% have his dosages down pat. (Example his Masteron on his recent testing)

And LOL…. To the tasting the test vs my experience…

I lost weight when UPING my calories… and had symptoms of low test…

I never said his gear was bad, UNTIL you asked… then I went further into it… at first though (since I don’t have bloods, but I explained why………) I wasn’t going to accuse him of bad gear… just a similar experience with the same sources gear…


Active member
Oct 20, 2020
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@JDLift This was more apparent when the discord was up. Was surprised I was the second biggest guy who posted physique there. I thought there were a lot of bigger guys here, but it’s just not the case. There is one giant, who should’ve had a show recently, but I do not remember his username. Anyone that recommends taking more gear doesn’t know shit and anyone that knows their shit just knows he needs to up the cals.
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