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When to expect strength gains on cycle?


New member
Hey all. Currently on my first cycle. Running 600 mg/wk of Test E, about halfway through my 2nd week. So far, I’m experiencing insane recovery, with my body not feeling any of the intense workouts I’ve been putting it through the next day. That said, I’m not really noticing any major strength gains. I was a relatively experienced lifter before hopping on gear, with my numbers being 1x bodyweight on OHP, 1.5x on bench, 2.4x on squat, and 2.75x on DL. My pre-cycle bloods had me at 508 ng/dl total and about 7 ng/dl free, which isn’t exactly great. I’m also 26. I’m eating about 1k caloric surplus.

So my question is, when can I expect to make any major strength gains? Ideally, I’m trying to work my way to a 2x bench this cycle, or get as close as I possibly can.
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New member
@orcaroids yeah gotta give it another 4-5 wait since you’re running enanthate. Keep your training hard and nutrition on point and you’ll be making strength gains on the daily.
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New member
Oh damn, that long huh. Okay, that’s good to know. I was getting worried because my balls aren’t shrinking and I’m not making any major strength gains lol. Alright, appreciate the response.
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New member
@freetopin enanthate and cyp are long esters so the same. Prop is a short ester, will kick in fast but also have to inject it more often.
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Well-known member
Ben Pollack was just on Mark Bell’s podcast and mentioned that gear maybe gives a whole 10% additional strength at best. Based on my personal usage, seems about right. Strength is heavily dependent on other factors: Leverages, technical mastery of lifts, efficiency of movement, cardiovascular health, proper training and proper peaking, avoiding injuries, and TIME. Whether you want to accept it or not, gear does not magically grant strength or make it really any easier to build. Gear is great for helping you not lose strength if you get sick or cut weight or take some time off and come back to lifting, but it doesn’t do shit to help build it compared to all those other factors.
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New member
10%? Nah fuck that, I’ve seen friends blow up in strength on one cycle. Maybe for people who got close to their body’s potential before hopping on? For your average guy hopping on I’ve seen bros go from struggling with 225 to hitting over 3 plates. That’s over 25% gains in a 20-week cycle but of course that’s with people who shouldn’t have run gear to begin with.

All I gotta say is yes hard work has to be put in but gear is “magic” and I’m tired of hearing people say otherwise.
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Well-known member
@StinkyTunad Why are you lying to people on the internet when you stand to gain nothing from it? How does it benefit you in any way to lie about how steroids work?
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New member
@JDLift Yeah bro totally. I’m just a marketing shill doing my job. SMH. Test alone at 500mg is magic, don’t fucking act like it isn’t.
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Well-known member
@StinkyTunad People with real credentials in strength sports, athletic sports and bodybuilding talk all about this stuff openly now and the common consensus is that gear hardly helps with your strength. What are your credentials? I think I’ll take the words of people with powerlifting records and bodybuilding victories over a literal who? on an anonymous forum.
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New member
@JDLift Ben Pollack said 10-20%

10-20% will take someone with a 2000lb total to 2200-2400.

Even on the low end, a 200lb jump in total at that level is not negligible.
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Well-known member
@Sl1nk11 You’re using outliers. 2000+ total is freak of nature level, please look up how many human beings have even totaled 2k. Your average gym bro at 315/225/405 may get up to a whopping 365/275/455. Dog shit numbers. I recently went 585/440/585 so I’m moderately above average and of that I’d say gear did nothing except make me look more aesthetic and able to accomplish this stuff while eating a diet of Little Caesars and Fairlife. Kids think this shit will make them all have an elite total in one cycle and be a Larry Wheels, Ronnie Coleman level lifter but most will never even touch above the 1300lb total range.
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New member
@HeftyLefty I think you’re agreeing with me. My point is that even 10% on the low end is substantial, especially in a powerlifting context.

@JDLift Okay so take a 198-220 guy with a decent 1700lb total who would be competitive at a local level. 10-20% you’re looking at a 1870 to 2040 total. That takes you from mid pack to borderline elite or elite territory.

Dudes who can’t touch 1300 regardless are outliers on the opposite end of the spectrum. Even a 1300 total dude potentially coming up to mid 1500’s is worth it if they love the sport.

Not to mention this is all in the context of staying the same weight class. Gear would allow you to push into a higher weight class than naturally attainable, thus allowing more total weight to be lifted. Whether or not that provides an increase in wilks would vary on leverages and other factors obviously.
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