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Where do buy clothes from (like shirts that are cut for us)


Active member
Jun 22, 2022
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Just curious about where people buy their shirts from.

I am a polo and jeans type of guy. I had success with Hylete but looks like they are closing up. Also, Tailored Athlete but their shit is expensive.

Basically looking for slim waist broad shoulders shirts. Most things look like a trash bag in the waist to me. But $60 for a polo ads up.


Active member
Jan 31, 2022
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Express Mens! Get them on sale and they are very reasonably priced. They are by far my favorite fitting shirts I've ever owned and they handle hella washings no problem. Dress shirts, T-shirts, V-necks, regular long sleeves all fit fuckin perfect.


Active member
Oct 15, 2021
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Concur on Express Men, also Jed North, Young LA, Tailored Athlete for dress shirts when they have sales as they're pricey.

I like Uniqlo for slim fit jeans, Express has athletic slim 4 way stretch denim and Young LA has jeans now and then that fit nicely.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2021
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If you're not filling out the shirts you have the way you want to be, then you need to work on your body. I understand some shirts are sewn differently, but you genuinely can fill out (almost) every garment in a flattering way if you 1) Size them correctly, 2) Have the right physique underneath em. Something else to consider is that with clothes on even some of the biggest guys on the planet still just look like a large person, or even might just look kinda fat. Ramy put up a video the other day wearing fully covering pants and a hoodie or sweatshirt on and it looked nothing like the mass monster we know he really is underneath.
If your goal is to look 'jacked' all year all the time and in every setting then you're limited to either wearing tanktops constantly or again just filling out the sleeves, chest, traps, shoulders and back in your T shirts and long sleeves.
I personally took the Mike O'Hearn fashion style of wearing shit loads of two-tone shirts either full or 3/4 sleeve (Baseball Tees? I think they're called technically?) and they all look real good, picked up plenty from Walmart for 6 bucks apiece and wear them almost all the time. Grey, dark blue or army green with black as the secondary color seem to be the optimal choice as these get the best lighting for some reason. White and Black aren't bad but you wash out in pics, bright colors wash out, Red is just not really a good color on anyone unless it's a really faded red. Purple is nice if you're not afraid to wear girl colors and I think every jacked guy should own at least one pink shirt because the right shade of pink can really contrast a muscular physique and chicks seem to like that shit too. Also just fun to be the jacked dude that outlifts everyone in a pink shirt lol.

Also the biggest tip is to not buy undersized clothes. If you put on a medium (Be honest, you're all buying mediums) and it's snug to the arms/chest/back but also to the waist then every time you breathe or slightly relax your posture you're gonna have a gut unless you walk around with a fully empty stomach all day. You want a bit of wiggle room in the waist so you can relax and look natural. Nobody looks good when they force their posture and take unnecessarily small breaths just to avoid their stomach expanding.