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"you're so skinny!"


Active member
Jun 23, 2023
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My girlfriend stopped by my house this morning before I left for work. She hugged me and said "you're so skinny!".

Ugh, yeah I'm cutting weight so losing some fat mass is my goal, but I hate hearing it! One of the guys at work said "you're looking slim" yesterday too.

I like it better when I hear "damn bro your looking swole" or "dude you're getting huge".

Such a mindfuck this is. Success in cutting is great, but I so badly want to get back to building muscle!


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2021
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Depends on if you actually are skinny or not. Height and weight? If you're lean but at a BMI of below 25 you're actually small. Lean and 26-29 you're 'you look like you work out', lean and 30+ you're 'that guy is on steroids' level and it only gets more obvious the higher it goes. For me I was natty for years and natty at 182 I 'look like I work out', enhanced at 220 I am 'That guy is definitely on steroids'. Consider skipping the cut altogether and bulking for a while first bro. I like to tell people that the fact of life is at some point putting more size on becomes damn near impossible or a terrible life choice for prolonging your time on this planet, meanwhile cutting only gets easier. Personally I think everyone on gear should bulk like fuckin mad for a few years straight then cut down later. Fuck what other people think though, including me; Do what you gotta do bud. We're all just trying to be happy in this little shell we exist in.