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First time user - Cycle help and questions.


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Feb 13, 2023
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Hey, new here. I’m looking at a beginner cycle of low dose test / anavar for 12 weeks. Would look something like this:

*Test E - 400/mg a week for 12 weeks
*Anavar - beginning on week 4 - 40mg a day for remainder 8 weeks
*Novaldex - 4 weeks for PCT - first two weeks =40 a day and last two weeks =20 a day

Also going to take numerous vitamins/supporting supps for liver and other health support.

Wondering if anyone has any other tips/suggestions/changes or other advice for a first timer.

Appreciate it in advance.


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Sep 5, 2022
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how old are you
pct vs b&c, if kids arent in the pic and you plan on doing more than one cycle, i wouldnt come off.
body fat %
length in gym/training

12 weeks for test e only is super short, but nothing wrong with it. 8 weeks on var at that dosage is decent.

diet is going to take you further than gear will. dont rely on gear to get you big, strong, lean, etc. its diet and cardio. recommend getting labs pulled first, not 100% needed but knowing where you started and mid cycle will let you know how youre responding and health before starting. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR NEEDLES FIRST. drawing and pinning needles with whatever you decide to clean the vials and area with.


New member
Feb 13, 2023
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Hey thanks for the reply!
26 y/o male. Been training hard for 3-4 years (5-7 days a week) but been the gym for 10 plus years. Have two kids already, don’t want anymore. Currently on a bulk, 5’6 weighing 190lbs would estimate around 12-14% body fat (but honestly never had body fat % done) Current goals are to get bigger than natural but not blow up like a balloon.

Im honestly looking at doing a cycle, seeing how I react, gains made & maintained and then deciding to if I will do another, hence the PCT.

Was going to ask about pinning as well. Was suggested to use 23G 1 inch for glutes and was going to pin glutes for the 12 weeks only. Wondering if that’s recommended or moving where to pin is best.


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Feb 11, 2023
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My advice is if you plan on this life style plan on Test always being a base for life when cycling do 14-18 wks of Test at a cycle dosage and start at a low dosage being 26 yrs of age 250-400mg a wk after your cycle do a trt protcol at 250mg eow there can be way more fine tuning then this but its a good example of how to not fuck your self up.

Remember Test is always your base and always will be everything else is just compounded onto it, anavar I do 6-8 wks at 40mg ed starting it on week 4 no reason for pct if your cursing on test. Always do blood work befor cycle and 60days into cycle until you learn you body and make adjustments as needed. If your trying to get freaky big just keep in mind AAS only do so much what really gets you big is compounding aas with HGH and Slin and shuttle nutrients to your muscles and its all about the timing of pinning it to.


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Feb 13, 2023
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Sorry, again I’m new to this, what do you mean by a TRT protocol at 250mg eow? And is it necessary? Am I able to do a 12 week Test E with Anavar and come off it with a 4 week PCT of nova and my natural test kick back again?


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Feb 11, 2023
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TRT=Testostron Replacement Therepy its basically menopose for men> The older you get the less test you produce naturally but doing synthic testostron casues the same out come the more cycle you do and the higher doesages you start doing the less and sooner your own natural test starts to go down hill. I am a firm beliver in not cycling testostron but cycleing your compounding gear Test is your basic buidling stone and bascially if you start taking synthic test plan on just never coming off it. It is very safe and ok to run test at 250mg eow for life basically its known as TRT or HRT same difference the problem with alot of online information is its 10 years behind on truth basically aka bro science Trust me I use to be one of them gym guys the was all about bro sciense and i learn the hard way. Now im not saying im the best or know the best but for basic starters dont be one of them kids that start hitting gear hard at high doesages or these off the wall so called cycles. A very good friend of mine Bleu Taylor who is a Pro Coach is a firm believer less gear is better espically for anyone under the age of 30yrs.

As far as your question goes yes you can thats a basic cycle but im not a believer is cycles plus you gotta run pct like your talking about but the more cycle your run the less and less your natural test will kick back and the lower prouduction you will have the longer you go about doing cycles imo i would just cruise on test after 12 weeks at a low dosage of 250mg eow instead of cycling on and off and doing pct thats just my 2 cents.


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Feb 11, 2023
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Sorry, again I’m new to this, what do you mean by a TRT protocol at 250mg eow? And is it necessary? Am I able to do a 12 week Test E with Anavar and come off it with a 4 week PCT of nova and my natural test kick back again?
Only stupid question is the questions that are not asked.


Feb 7, 2023
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12 weeks is a little bit short in my opinion. I did 17 weeks for my first cycle and at the start of week 16 i felt like i had gotten everything i was going to get out of it. So i would say 15 weeks is probably a sweet spot. Week 9-12 is when i really started to feel amazing and felt like I was getting stronger every day.


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Feb 13, 2023
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Thanks, I really appreciate your input! Lots of things to consider for sure.

Also curious if you had specific supporting supps/vitamins you stick to while on Test/Anavar? I know certain ones like milk thistle, fish oils etc but want to know if there is any other must haves.


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Feb 11, 2023
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Dude all that shit is bro sciense imo do your bloodwork and make decisions based off that i have ran tren and test for 18wks and never had liver issues they where elevated but not enough to be concern with waisting money on shit like that. Does it help and help the ones who need it yes but if not need dont add more chemicals to your body then it needs to metoblise already.


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Feb 11, 2023
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Shoot me a pm with your concerns and your real plan of actions. You can take the advise of 100 memebrs and end up a failure everyone has there own way of doing shit is it wrong or right no its just personal perference. Just like some guys like high fat diets or some guys like high car diets and each one of them have different views of how to train someone you gotta learn your own body and stick to a solid plan. Like me i can look at a carb and gain 5lbs so my body type loves 18hr of intermiting fasting and low carbs and high fats and adique amount of cardio and i drop weight like im sheading tears.


Feb 7, 2023
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I agree with kake don't get too hung up on supplements. I take a few basic ones omega3, d3, zinc, taurine, and magnesium but i take those all the time on or off. Find what you think works for you


Active member
Sep 5, 2022
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Hey thanks for the reply!
26 y/o male. Been training hard for 3-4 years (5-7 days a week) but been the gym for 10 plus years. Have two kids already, don’t want anymore. Currently on a bulk, 5’6 weighing 190lbs would estimate around 12-14% body fat (but honestly never had body fat % done) Current goals are to get bigger than natural but not blow up like a balloon.

Im honestly looking at doing a cycle, seeing how I react, gains made & maintained and then deciding to if I will do another, hence the PCT.

Was going to ask about pinning as well. Was suggested to use 23G 1 inch for glutes and was going to pin glutes for the 12 weeks only. Wondering if that’s recommended or moving where to pin is best.
everyones advice is solid. i dont have much to add. everyone is going to tell you something different. just tkae it all in, do your research and make your own decisions.

as far as pinning, 23g is huge imo, im a pussy and pin with 25g. i pin, shoulders, lats and mostly glutes. clean the area and your vial. draw your oil, try to get as much air out as possible, its not a big deal unless you to i.v. and inject a bubble. i put the needle on the skin and slowly push till i bottom out a 1" needle and i usually push 1.5-2.5ml of oil twice a week. no problems. some people pin quads, i cant. i get too many issues. every muscle is an inj site, some are better than others.

good luck man.