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PPL can't be PURE


New member
Oct 13, 2021
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@nswole1 I have emailed Janoshik, and he told me how much it would be.

I’m waiting to see what PPL says he would do if I put the money in, and they come back less purity than advertised. I only spent a total of $365 dollars, but each test is expensive, and I have four compounds to test, along with the shipping; it would cost me MORE to test it, than to cut my losses and find another source.
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Active member
Jun 8, 2021
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@falseprophet09 On a 160mg dose of Test C from a TRT clinic, in two different tests with the same dose and pinning schedule I once tested at 1295, and once in the 600’s. Frequency, dose and time between last dose and test did not change.

1295 was my 6 week check up, and 600~ was my 12 week.
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New member
Oct 13, 2021
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The only argument against me is that it could be my fault is that MAYBE I ruined my brew by making it wrong; but how does that effect the potency of the raws? I put 10g of powder into the MCT oil, BB, BA, etc…and just because it came out 60ml (when it should have been 50ml), all that means is that each 10ml via is 160mg; the raws don’t just magically disperse unevenly as they feel like it lol.

I think the Primo is actually fine, being my Free Test is astronomical. So I’m not even complaining about the Primo, which btw, is 20x more expensive per gram. But something is just not right with this test.

I shoot 160mg and 220 primo, 3x a week (480, 660).

None of the reasons given by PPL above explain anything rationally at all in my case whatsoever; it comes off to me as “It’s your fault and you need to spend your money to go get tested or shut up.”

But even if I do get it tested, one can say “that lab sucks” “Jano is garbage” whatever else. So until PPL gives me an incentive to put MORE money into believing his brand, there is no point.

And even if PPL sent me more raws, how would we know they are good unless I send more money to test even that as well, which will cost MORE than the powder itself. This is why first impressions are CRITICAL. If my blood work came back through the roof, I wouldn’t be posting this at all.

So to me, I’m fine with finishing this stuff, whether good quality or not (I’ll just double everything), and never buying from them again; it not me who loses future income from leaving them.

All in all, it was a 365 dollar investment: the raws are not fake; so far all I can say is that to me, the test is not what it is, and I have yet to do the Deca and Tren, which could be fine. Tren E I will know immediately if its gtg, as I have much experience Tren. Primo I never ran before, but something is transforming my body and giving me a dry look, and certainly not a levels of 1783 total test, but I’ve never see my Free Test this high.

Ultimately, It’s not my job to convince myself to be a repeat costumer, but the vibe I’m getting from PPL is I’m lying and it’s my fault. That alone is enough for me to cut my “losses,” but we will see what PPL comes up with.
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Active member
Sep 9, 2018
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We never said you were lying or it’s your fault. We said please get it tested by Lab4tox which is an unbiased third party tester who has no skin in the game other than testing substances from anyone and anything.

Unlike you we don’t accuse anyone of anything. Even after all is said and done we don’t point fingers or assume. We solve problems and we move on, part of doing business.

But all you have is a bunch of words and those words don’t hold weight. If you want to become a respected member in this community then test the raws for your own peace of mind and for your fellow board members as well and be a man with balls. I would respect that and like any rep I would then advocate on your behalf. I’ve always stayed mutual between the community and Panda. Panda knows that’s how I am and that’s why I’m here.

You get all your ducks in a row before you hit someone, you don’t go off at the mouth and accuse sources, people or anything of wrong doing. That’s a bad habit bro and I really hope you read this and realize how to correctly go about doing something.

And just to repeat myself so we are clear, we asked you to get these compounds tested at Lab4tox, regarding the results; if they were of low purities; we would address this accordingly. But overall we aren’t obligated to reimburse you for something you bought, and injected into your body, we are obligated to live up to those purities that we currently have, and that can only be found out on your end by testing it and bringing actual evidence to the community and then invoking a response and action from us.

I really hope I made myself clear.
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Sep 9, 2018
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CaptainAmerica said:
This thread is coming dangerously close to making claims without proof. Keep it chill please.
Can you please close this thread until further evidence is submitted and then we can return to this matter. Thank you and I appreciate it.
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New member
Oct 13, 2021
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Ok, now you’re really annoying me with this “baseless” bullshit, so let me break this down barney style, and I hope everyone can see what I’m saying here.

“We never said you were lying or it’s your fault.”
  • I said the vibe I’m getting is that you’re putting it all on me: you didn’t have to say it’s my fault directly; you implied it could be everything but your product, after both you and Melody gave me the same copy-paste response (which is a red flag to me), to attempt to explain away the blood results. You appealed to my genetics, injection timing, and carrier oil used, all of which I addressed, which implies it’s something on MY END (my fault), because I am the other side of the equation in this mystery: it is either my fault or it is the product. Yet, I have my labs for the last five years that I can show my test levels on prescription TRT, from doses at 100mg and 200mg a week, and other UGL brands (not on this board). So if your raws are so pure 98% as claimed, you should be right up there with Rx, yet even when I took a mere 100mg from my Rx, it gave me levels of 915; at 200mg of the same Rx brand: 1495. But somehow your test cyp raws at 480mg per week is at pathetic 1783, but it can’t possibly be your raws; no, it must be my genetics, timing and all, according to you. When I took my Rx cyp, I took my shots Mon and Thurs; I took your raws, M, W, F.
“We said please get it tested by Lab4tox which is an unbiased third party tester who has no skin in the game other than testing substances from anyone and anything.”
  • And I said, even if I did that, what will happen? Are you going to admit your product is not what it is advertised, or are you going to reject any labs test I would get elsewhere? And when you said “tester who has no skin in the game,” are you implying @Janoshik, which this entire board uses to test their purity of their product, is somehow compromised? If so, it makes sense why PPL disparages him, and there are posts on here where he said PPL sends under-dosed raws, and even wrong raws, which is more evidence against PPL that can be found on older thread on this very forum: https://www.steroidsourcetalk.me/topic/12315/purplepandalabs-test-e-testing-96/9?_=1634675038688
“Unlike you we don’t accuse anyone of anything. Even after all is said and done we don’t point fingers or assume. We solve problems and we move on, part of doing business.”
  • Except I didn’t accuse PPL of doing anything, but you are accusing me of accusing you, when what I stated was these raws can’t be “pure,” which should have been written differently because I meant “as pure”; even PPL can’t know unless they test it themselves. I simply shared my blood work and how pathetic my test levels were on the Cyp raws, while asking for nothing, no refund, no extra raws—just sharing my experience. Moreover, my test shows my Free Test through the roof, which shows the Primo is doing something, but the Test Cyp is subpar, based my blood work and comparing it to previous blood work when taking 200mg of Rx.
  • So my only issue thus far has been the Cyp. The Primo has elevated my Free Test to levels I have never seen in my life (1084), that my friends think the lab screwed up lol. This is an argument that is in you favor.
“But all you have is a bunch of words and those words don’t hold weight. If you want to become a respected member in this community then test the raws for your own peace of mind and for your fellow board members as well and be a man with balls.”
  • How are my labs “a bunch of words”? My bloodwork shows exactly how your product didn’t live up to par at the dosages I’ve taken. Again, your copy-paste explanation did not explain anything. I even threw in the possibility that my brew being under dosed may be a culprit, but even that is not even physically possible as an explanation, which I explain in detail earlier in this thread.
  • Why doesn’t PPL show me the batch’s test results that I’ve purchase from? I have my order number and emails; it should very easy to go back to the records and show which batch of Cyp was sold to me. Can you do that? I know I can prove literally every statement I’ve made here on me end, which more than just “a bunch of words,” because I can easily get screenshots of all my claims made. Your pathetic appeal to emotion, “be a man with balls,” may work on a childish ego-driven moron, but there is a difference between having balls and being a total idiot.
  • Imagine any respectful business making that very statement to a customer who has just provided evidence that their product is not up to par, or something is wrong; not even fucking Burger King sits there and tells someone who just bought a Whopper, “have some balls and go get it tested,” if they think the meat they just ate tasted like shit because it could be bad and got food poisoning from it. You seem to not realize how retarded you sound right now, and how bad your defense of PPL is with these excuses, only making things it seem EVEN WORSE.
  • In fact, if you notice on my labs, my T3 was normal when it shouldn’t have been, because I’ve been taking 50mcg of T3 a day for over two months. This prompted me to send the results the source I got it from (not on this board), to show them they were normal. What did they do? They asked me to ship back the unused bottles, so they could test them, apologizing for the inconvenience and quickly shipped out Pharm Grade T3 to make up for it, just based on bloods. They didn’t tell me to go test the pills myself, and that my claims were “just words,” nor have two different reps email me the same copy-paste excuses. This alone shows me the unprofessionalism of your brand. And I can prove this story as well, with my emails between the source and I, and even the old product and pharm grade product in my hand. What can you prove? Ironically, it is you with “a bunch of words,” not me.
EMAIL SCREENSHOT: https://ibb.co/qYPJnJc

“I would respect that and like any rep I would then advocate on your behalf. I’ve always stayed mutual between the community and Panda. Panda knows that’s how I am and that’s why I’m here.”
  • I think if you actually respected and cared for your customers, you would adopt a policy as the company above, who asked for the product back so they could test it themselves. This also proves to them that I didn’t just consume the product, and am lying with old blood work to get more from them for free. If not that, you could have at least offered to reimburse testing by saying: “We are so confident in our product, if you get it tested, and it turns out it is not as pure as we claim, we will reimburse you for your trouble, no matter where you get it tested.” Yet you have done none of that, and basically told me I’m on my own, and my experience and lab results are “just a bunch of words.”
“You get all your ducks in a row before you hit someone, you don’t go off at the mouth and accuse sources, people or anything of wrong doing. That’s a bad habit bro and I really hope you read this and realize how to correctly go about doing something.”
  • Again, you disregard blood work and think I’m hitting PPL. On page 2 of the thread, I even said “Perhaps your company got a bad batch, since I doubt you are synthesizing them personally. I’m not saying you maliciously or intentionally sold me crappy test powder, but it certainly isn’t my fault.” In other words, it is possible that PPL is unknowingly moving bad batches of raws, because it is not PPL who makes them with his bare hands, now is it? The Chinese are NOTORIOUS for faking and producing shit products; nowhere in this thread have I attacked him, saying that he KNOWINGLY is moving crappy raws. My only complaint is that the Cyp that I have is absolutely under dosed, going off the YEARS of experience with test cyp, knowing my body, and having my bloods to prove that. So you have no ducks in a row at all, other than projecting that it I’m some how the bad guy here for rightfully complaining about the subpar results I got with YOUR PRODUCT. This is called gaslighting, and it is obviously clear and pathetic to anyone who sees it.
  • I hope people see it, which is why I’m putting more time in this rebuttal to your claims. Again, never in my life have I dealt with this from a source, which in of itself is enough to never buy from you again. You see, it is not me who needs to defend my brand, it is you, and you’re doing a terrible job at it. I have zero motives: I’m not asking for anything, I’m not a raw dealer; I’m just someone who has proof on my end that this specific batch of Cyp SUCKS ASS.
“And just to repeat myself so we are clear, we asked you to get these compounds tested at Lab4tox, regarding the results; if they were of low purities; we would address this accordingly. But overall we aren’t obligated to reimburse you for something you bought, and injected into your body, we are obligated to live up to those purities that we currently have, and that can only be found out on your end by testing it and bringing actual evidence to the community and then invoking a response and action from us.”
  • How does this statement give me any incentive to test anything? You’re basically saying, “Hey, spend more of your own money to prove something that we may or may not do anything to solve; maybe we will send you more questionable raws if you do prove us wrong!” Or maybe we will reject your test if we don’t like whom you got it tested from!” The most logical course of action, is to send them back to you, and you test them. In this way, you can see I’m not lying; I’m not reverse scamming; and I can’t use them while you have them. What guarantee do I have that, even if I spend hundreds of dollars testing each item, that you will honor anything you say, or that PPL will agree? Will you claim the lab I chose is fake or untrustworthy? Well you claim these tests are “baseless” too?
“I really hope I made myself clear.”
  • I hope I made myself clear as well. What I’m getting from this all is the only solution is go test them with more of my money when I’ve done literally nothing wrong, and maybe you will do right by me. But thing is, I haven’t asked you to do anything; nowhere in this thread did I say I wanted more of your raws. My total investment was $365 dollars; I can easily walk away without spending more money testing this crap, and my life would continue just fine. I know these raws aren’t fake, so I can easily double my dosages and use them until I run out, and then find a better source. So I’m not worried about buying from you again, because based on the back-and-forths, copy-pastes generic answers, unsatisfactory explanations, along with your implications, you have done the complete opposite of retaining a repeat customer, which shows you how much business acumen you lack.
“Can you please close this thread until further evidence is submitted and then we can return to this matter. Thank you and I appreciate it.”
  • Telling admin to shut down the thread is also not a good look for you. Why not let others comment on this situation? Perhaps there are other people who have had similar experiences? This thread is about my anecdotal experience using your products, and how disappointed I am according to my bloodwork which was provided. I am not asking for reimbursement or making demands. Asking admin to shut it down is a sign of weakness. Frankly, I’m so turned off with how this has been handled, I will never order from you again. Your entire argument against mine would have been more convincing had I only posted literally nothing but “baseless words,” but like I said, I can prove EVERY CLAIM I’ve made on here. WHAT CAN YOU PROVE?
  • So please spare me the retarded arguments you have put forward which don’t work on someone who sees right though logical fallacies and inconsistencies. Again, according to your own logic, all blood work here is “baseless,” yet every respectable lab here is more than happy to fix an issue based on bloods (even labs not on this board). I’ve been in this game since I was 20, and now I’m 37; never in my life have I seen a source have the audacity you do. You insult my intelligence and everyone else’s here, whether they realize or not.
  • For that alone you shouldn’t be trusted, and like I said, after all this, chances of even dealing with you guys again are virtually zero, and thus my review is
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Active member
Sep 9, 2018
Reaction score
falseprophet09 said:
Ok, now you’re really annoying me with this “baseless” bullshit, so let me break this down barney style, and I hope everyone can see what I’m saying here.

“We never said you were lying or it’s your fault.”
  • I said the vibe I’m getting is that you’re putting it all on me: you didn’t have to say it’s my fault directly; you implied it could be everything but your product, after both you and Melody gave me the same copy-paste response (which is a red flag to me), to attempt to explain away the blood results. You appealed to my genetics, injection timing, and carrier oil used, all of which I addressed, which implies it’s something on MY END (my fault), because I am the other side of the equation in this mystery: it is either my fault or it is the product. Yet, I have my labs for the last five years that I can show my test levels on prescription TRT, from doses at 100mg and 200mg a week, and other UGL brands (not on this board). So if your raws are so pure 98% as claimed, you should be right up there with Rx, yet even when I took a mere 100mg from my Rx, it gave me levels of 915; at 200mg of the same Rx brand: 1495. But somehow your test cyp raws at 480mg per week is at pathetic 1783, but it can’t possibly be your raws; no, it must be my genetics, timing and all, according to you. When I took my Rx cyp, I took my shots Mon and Thurs; I took your raws, M, W, F.
“We said please get it tested by Lab4tox which is an unbiased third party tester who has no skin in the game other than testing substances from anyone and anything.”
  • And I said, even if I did that, what will happen? Are you going to admit your product is not what it is advertised, or are you going to reject any labs test I would get elsewhere? And when you said “tester who has no skin in the game,” are you implying @Janoshik, which this entire board uses to test their purity of their product, is somehow compromised? If so, it makes sense why PPL disparages him, and there are posts on here where he said PPL sends under-dosed raws, and even wrong raws, which is more evidence against PPL that can be found on older thread on this very forum: https://www.steroidsourcetalk.me/topic/12315/purplepandalabs-test-e-testing-96/9?_=1634675038688
“Unlike you we don’t accuse anyone of anything. Even after all is said and done we don’t point fingers or assume. We solve problems and we move on, part of doing business.”
  • Except I didn’t accuse PPL of doing anything, but you are accusing me of accusing you, when what I stated was these raws can’t be “pure,” which should have been written differently because I meant “as pure”; even PPL can’t know unless they test it themselves. I simply shared my blood work and how pathetic my test levels were on the Cyp raws, while asking for nothing, no refund, no extra raws—just sharing my experience. Moreover, my test shows my Free Test through the roof, which shows the Primo is doing something, but the Test Cyp is subpar, based my blood work and comparing it to previous blood work when taking 200mg of Rx.
  • So my only issue thus far has been the Cyp. The Primo has elevated my Free Test to levels I have never seen in my life (1084), that my friends think the lab screwed up lol. This is an argument that is in you favor.
“But all you have is a bunch of words and those words don’t hold weight. If you want to become a respected member in this community then test the raws for your own peace of mind and for your fellow board members as well and be a man with balls.”
  • How are my labs “a bunch of words”? My bloodwork shows exactly how your product didn’t live up to par at the dosages I’ve taken. Again, your copy-paste explanation did not explain anything. I even threw in the possibility that my brew being under dosed may be a culprit, but even that is not even physically possible as an explanation, which I explain in detail earlier in this thread.
  • Why doesn’t PPL show me the batch’s test results that I’ve purchase from? I have my order number and emails; it should very easy to go back to the records and show which batch of Cyp was sold to me. Can you do that? I know I can prove literally every statement I’ve made here on me end, which more than just “a bunch of words,” because I can easily get screenshots of all my claims made. Your pathetic appeal to emotion, “be a man with balls,” may work on a childish ego-driven moron, but there is a difference between having balls and being a total idiot.
  • Imagine any respectful business making that very statement to a customer who has just provided evidence that their product is not up to par, or something is wrong; not even fucking Burger King sits there and tells someone who just bought a Whopper, “have some balls and go get it tested,” if they think the meat they just ate tasted like shit because it could be bad and got food poisoning from it. You seem to not realize how retarded you sound right now, and how bad your defense of PPL is with these excuses, only making things it seem EVEN WORSE.
  • In fact, if you notice on my labs, my T3 was normal when it shouldn’t have been, because I’ve been taking 50mcg of T3 a day for over two months. This prompted me to send the results the source I got it from (not on this board), to show them they were normal. What did they do? They asked me to ship back the unused bottles, so they could test them, apologizing for the inconvenience and quickly shipped out Pharm Grade T3 to make up for it, just based on bloods. They didn’t tell me to go test the pills myself, and that my claims were “just words,” nor have two different reps email me the same copy-paste excuses. This alone shows me the unprofessionalism of your brand. And I can prove this story as well, with my emails between the source and I, and even the old product and pharm grade product in my hand. What can you prove? Ironically, it is you with “a bunch of words,” not me.
EMAIL SCREENSHOT: https://ibb.co/qYPJnJc

“I would respect that and like any rep I would then advocate on your behalf. I’ve always stayed mutual between the community and Panda. Panda knows that’s how I am and that’s why I’m here.”
  • I think if you actually respected and cared for your customers, you would adopt a policy as the company above, who asked for the product back so they could test it themselves. This also proves to them that I didn’t just consume the product, and am lying with old blood work to get more from them for free. If not that, you could have at least offered to reimburse testing by saying: “We are so confident in our product, if you get it tested, and it turns out it is not as pure as we claim, we will reimburse you for your trouble, no matter where you get it tested.” Yet you have done none of that, and basically told me I’m on my own, and my experience and lab results are “just a bunch of words.”
“You get all your ducks in a row before you hit someone, you don’t go off at the mouth and accuse sources, people or anything of wrong doing. That’s a bad habit bro and I really hope you read this and realize how to correctly go about doing something.”
  • Again, you disregard blood work and think I’m hitting PPL. On page 2 of the thread, I even said “Perhaps your company got a bad batch, since I doubt you are synthesizing them personally. I’m not saying you maliciously or intentionally sold me crappy test powder, but it certainly isn’t my fault.” In other words, it is possible that PPL is unknowingly moving bad batches of raws, because it is not PPL who makes them with his bare hands, now is it? The Chinese are NOTORIOUS for faking and producing shit products; nowhere in this thread have I attacked him, saying that he KNOWINGLY is moving crappy raws. My only complaint is that the Cyp that I have is absolutely under dosed, going off the YEARS of experience with test cyp, knowing my body, and having my bloods to prove that. So you have no ducks in a row at all, other than projecting that it I’m some how the bad guy here for rightfully complaining about the subpar results I got with YOUR PRODUCT. This is called gaslighting, and it is obviously clear and pathetic to anyone who sees it.
  • I hope people see it, which is why I’m putting more time in this rebuttal to your claims. Again, never in my life have I dealt with this from a source, which in of itself is enough to never buy from you again. You see, it is not me who needs to defend my brand, it is you, and you’re doing a terrible job at it. I have zero motives: I’m not asking for anything, I’m not a raw dealer; I’m just someone who has proof on my end that this specific batch of Cyp SUCKS ASS.
“And just to repeat myself so we are clear, we asked you to get these compounds tested at Lab4tox, regarding the results; if they were of low purities; we would address this accordingly. But overall we aren’t obligated to reimburse you for something you bought, and injected into your body, we are obligated to live up to those purities that we currently have, and that can only be found out on your end by testing it and bringing actual evidence to the community and then invoking a response and action from us.”
  • How does this statement give me any incentive to test anything? You’re basically saying, “Hey, spend more of your own money to prove something that we may or may not do anything to solve; maybe we will send you more questionable raws if you do prove us wrong!” Or maybe we will reject your test if we don’t like whom you got it tested from!” The most logical course of action, is to send them back to you, and you test them. In this way, you can see I’m not lying; I’m not reverse scamming; and I can’t use them while you have them. What guarantee do I have that, even if I spend hundreds of dollars testing each item, that you will honor anything you say, or that PPL will agree? Will you claim the lab I chose is fake or untrustworthy? Well you claim these tests are “baseless” too?
“I really hope I made myself clear.”
  • I hope I made myself clear as well. What I’m getting from this all is the only solution is go test them with more of my money when I’ve done literally nothing wrong, and maybe you will do right by me. But thing is, I haven’t asked you to do anything; nowhere in this thread did I say I wanted more of your raws. My total investment was $365 dollars; I can easily walk away without spending more money testing this crap, and my life would continue just fine. I know these raws aren’t fake, so I can easily double my dosages and use them until I run out, and then find a better source. So I’m not worried about buying from you again, because based on the back-and-forths, copy-pastes generic answers, unsatisfactory explanations, along with your implications, you have done the complete opposite of retaining a repeat customer, which shows you how much business acumen you lack.
“Can you please close this thread until further evidence is submitted and then we can return to this matter. Thank you and I appreciate it.”
  • Telling admin to shut down the thread is also not a good look for you. Why not let others comment on this situation? Perhaps there are other people who have had similar experiences? This thread is about my anecdotal experience using your products, and how disappointed I am according to my bloodwork which was provided. I am not asking for reimbursement or making demands. Asking admin to shut it down is a sign of weakness. Frankly, I’m so turned off with how this has been handled, I will never order from you again. Your entire argument against mine would have been more convincing had I only posted literally nothing but “baseless words,” but like I said, I can prove EVERY CLAIM I’ve made on here. WHAT CAN YOU PROVE?
  • So please spare me the retarded arguments you have put forward which don’t work on someone who sees right though logical fallacies and inconsistencies. Again, according to your own logic, all blood work here is “baseless,” yet every respectable lab here is more than happy to fix an issue based on bloods (even labs not on this board). I’ve been in this game since I was 20, and now I’m 37; never in my life have I seen a source have the audacity you do. You insult my intelligence and everyone else’s here, whether they realize or not.
  • For that alone you shouldn’t be trusted, and like I said, after all this, chances of even dealing with you guys again are virtually zero, and thus my review is
Again, I simply ask that you test our products utilizing a third party tester like Lab4tox. Once you get the results, I believe it’s the quantitative testing; which will give you the compound and purity, the other test will only yield the actual compound and not its purity. But once you get the results, we will go from there.

I asked for this thread to be closed until you get the results, please don’t read too much into that. I personally think you are going way too over board on something that can and usually is corrected with resolution that’s pertinent to both parties.

But thank you for the Cecil B. Demille production.
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New member
Oct 13, 2021
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You come off as some kind of civil representative and professional, yet your final sentence is yet another jab, showing your arrogance and chutzpah, which everyone here can see.

I will say this: Anytime I see someone mention PPL on any forums I’m on, I’ll make sure they know of my experience.
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Your looking real dumb dude. Lost my future business. Unprofessional. “Get it tested and we will go from there” IF HE GETS IT TESTED BY LABTOX or whatever tester you want him to use. You STILL aren’t saying you’ll reimburse him? WHAT THE CRAP. I also don’t understand how he has useless words. He literally has bloodwork. My test levels were 2x that on 500mg of my source. AND I injected 2x a week instead of 3x like him.

AND you want the tread taken down? HAHA what do you have to hide, if your as legit as you say you are… SMH. @falseprophet09 I will never use PPL and this rep needs to be fired:joy:😂

Hope you go ahead and get them tested just to prove his ass wrong , regardless of if they end up making it right or not. And I’m assuming they won’t


New member
Oct 13, 2021
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@nswole1 We’ll I’m glad you see what I see. I hope others do, too; nothing angers me more than incompetence and disrespect.

No legit, respectable business speaks to anyone this way, which is why I don’t think they intend on making anything right, (nor did I ask them to); he is clearly gaslighting and insulting me so I get frustrated and just let it die. Very clever tactic, but so fucking obvious.
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Active member
Sep 9, 2018
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NSwole1 said:

Your looking real dumb dude. Lost my future business. Unprofessional. “Get it tested and we will go from there” IF HE GETS IT TESTED BY LABTOX or whatever tester you want him to use. You STILL aren’t saying you’ll reimburse him? WHAT THE CRAP. I also don’t understand how he has useless words. He literally has bloodwork. My test levels were 2x that on 500mg of my source. AND I injected 2x a week instead of 3x like him.

AND you want the tread taken down? HAHA what do you have to hide, if your as legit as you say you are… SMH. @falseprophet09 I will never use PPL and this rep needs to be fired:joy:😂

Hope you go ahead and get them tested just to prove his ass wrong , regardless of if they end up making it right or not. And I’m assuming they won’t
I would really hope he does get it tested. Again, let the results from the testing speak for itself.
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@purplepandaRep Assuming they aren’t 98% like panda says they are. Would you reimburse him for testing AND give him his money back for the crappy raws he bought? AND something (free raws that are tested and or $ through bitcoin for his wasted time and energy) that would be the professional and right thing to do…


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Sep 9, 2018
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falseprophet09 said:
@nswole1 We’ll I’m glad you see what I see. I hope others do, too; nothing angers me more than incompetence and disrespect.

No legit, respectable business speaks to anyone this way, which is why I don’t think they intend on making anything right, (nor did I ask them to); he is clearly gaslighting and insulting me so I get frustrated and just let it die. Very clever tactic, but so fucking obvious.
Again, please get your raws tested. That would shed light on any disparities that may exist with the raws you bought. Why wouldn’t you not want to get them tested?
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Oct 13, 2021
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It is not a queston of want; the question is, after all this bullshit, is it worth it?

It’s a very simple cost-vs-benefit analysis.

It cost me $365 dollars for the four different raws; 19 of that was for test. A lab analysis will costs WAY MORE than $19 dollars, and that’s not including shipping to whatever lab, especially to fucking poland from the US.

For me to do this for a “piece of mind” is as retarded as someone driving 1hr to buy a five-dollar hammer, only to learn that it is dysfunctional when they use it. Is it worth that person’s time to drive another hour back to the store to even complain that it is dysfunctional? No. So instead of driving, they call a representative (like you) and tell them what’s going on.

Now imagine that person called the store (you), and the store said: "Look, are hammers are 98% pure; it’s something on your end, perhaps the way you swung the hammer, or when you swung it, or the gloves you wore when you did. Then the person tells the rep, “No, it’s not those things, and here’s evidence that is it not.” And then the rep says, “Well, those are just your words, and your test doesn’t tell me anything, so your claims are baseless, so please send the hammer out to be tested by the manufacturer, or shut up.”

What retard would go get the hammer tested by the manufacturer when it would cost him 100x more than the hammer does, without the rep promising to reimburse him for his time and money?

Ya, really smart!

It is smart for the sources on here to invest in testing, since they are buying 10s of thousands of dollars of worth raws, and have to make sure they aren’t losing that kind of money on underdosed or fake raws, because their reputation is banking on their purity. It isn’t worth it for someone like me to do it, especially when I’m not the one who needs to be convinced.

But here you are telling me that I should want to spend HUNDREDS of more dollars to get these raws tested, when I have my blood work already, proving to me that this shit sucks, without any GUARANTEE your company would reimburse me if I did you the favor, especially after the way you talked to me, making it quite obvious you guys are not professional at all?

I didn’t ask for anything; I’m not making any demands. Your product clearly sucks ass. I need no further convincing, and any person with an IQ higher than a tennis ball can see there is something wrong here; you’re “repping” only made your company look worse. I don’t have to prove it to myself, nor anyone else here. I came here to share my bloodwork, and it sucks. The Primo seems to be doing its job; I haven’t taken the Deca or Tren E, so I can’t comment on those.

The only way I would spend another penny is if you promised to reimburse me for testing it. But even then, it’s not WORTH doing. And you know it’s not worth it, which is why you’re so willing to lose me as a customer because then you can say “See, he didn’t get it tested.” This is called a “reverse bluff.” Only a retard would fall for it; like wise, only a retard would spend hundreds of dollars to convince himself further of something they are already convinced of, to disprove someone who is clearly arguing in bad faith, is unprofessional, and arrogant.

I’m writing these extensive responses so people can see past all the bullshit you’re trying to pull here.
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Sep 9, 2018
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falseprophet09 said:

It is not a queston of want; the question is, after all this bullshit, is it worth it?

It’s a very simple cost-vs-benefit analysis.

It cost me $365 dollars for the four different raws; 19 of that was for test. A lab analysis will costs WAY MORE than $19 dollars, and that’s not including shipping to whatever lab, especially to fucking poland from the US.

For me to do this for a “piece of mind” is as retarded as someone driving 1hr to buy a five-dollar hammer, only to learn that it is dysfunctional when they use it. Is it worth that person’s time to drive another hour back to the store to even complain that it is dysfunctional? No. So instead of driving, they call a representative (like you) and tell them what’s going on.

Now imagine that person called the store (you), and the store said: "Look, are hammers are 98% pure; it’s something on your end, perhaps the way you swung the hammer, or when you swung it, or the gloves you wore when you did. Then the person tells the rep, “No, it’s not those things, and here’s evidence that is it not.” And then the rep says, “Well, those are just your words, and your test doesn’t tell me anything, so your claims are baseless, so please send the hammer out to be tested by the manufacturer, or shut up.”

What retard would go get the hammer tested by the manufacturer when it would cost him 100x more than the hammer does, without the rep promising to reimburse him for his time and money?

Ya, really smart!

It is smart for the sources on here to invest in testing, since they are buying 10s of thousands of dollars of worth raws, and have to make sure they aren’t losing that kind of money on underdosed or fake raws, because their reputation is banking on their purity. It isn’t worth it for someone like me to do it, especially when I’m not the one who needs to be convinced.

But here you are telling me that I should want to spend HUNDREDS of more dollars to get these raws tested, when I have my blood work already, proving to me that this shit sucks, without any GUARANTEE your company would reimburse me if I did you the favor, especially after the way you talked to me, making it quite obvious you guys are not professional at all?

I didn’t ask for anything; I’m not making any demands. Your product clearly sucks ass. I need no further convincing, and any person with an IQ higher than a tennis ball can see there is something wrong here; you’re “repping” only made your company look worse. I don’t have to prove it to myself, nor anyone else here. I came here to share my bloodwork, and it sucks. The Primo seems to be doing its job; I haven’t taken the Deca or Tren E, so I can’t comment on those.

The only way I would spend another penny is if you promised to reimburse me for testing it. But even then, it’s not WORTH doing. And you know it’s not worth it, which is why you’re so willing to lose me as a customer because then you can say “See, he didn’t get it tested.” This is called a “reverse bluff.” Only a retard would fall for it; like wise, only a retard would spend hundreds of dollars to convince himself further of something they are already convinced of, to disprove someone who is clearly arguing in bad faith, is unprofessional, and arrogant.

I’m writing these extensive responses so people can see past all the bullshit you’re trying to pull here.
Again, no body is arguing with you. We, meaning; myself, Purple Panda Labs, and anyone who’s watching this thread would like to see a lab analysis on the compound and it’s purity that you claim is of a low degree.

That’s pretty much where this is currently standing. Once you have those results, regardless of those results. A conclusion can be drawn and therefore a resolution.
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Oct 13, 2021
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No. That’s not how it works. How it works is: you stand by your product; you agree that you will reimburse me for testing, IF and ONLY IF, it is of lower quality. I take your word for it, and mods will see you agreed to this. I then invest my money in testing, with the knowledge you will back me up if I’m right, and get the results back. If they come back at lower quality, you reimburse me for testing, plus replace my raws. If you don’t honor your word, mods should ban you from this community. However, if they come back as pure as you claim, I will apologize, I will advocate for your company, your reputation will be elevated, and more people will become customers,

Now, as I stated several times before, I am already convinced that this cyp is of lower quality, and I am completely fine with doubling the dose and never dealing with you again. I don’t have to prove it to myself or anyone else here. I have no interest in being a repeat customer, and you’re already losing people who are watching just from your responses. I don’t care if no one believes me either. I stated my case, showed my bloods, demanded nothing, and showed everyone here, in great detail by breaking down every statement you made, how unprofessional and shady your company is, and there is no further discussion unless you agree to the terms above in regards to testing.

So just say “No, we are not going to do the right thing,” and end it there. Show everyone here you are not willing to do what every other company on Earth would do lol.
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You need to be a lawyer 😂😂 he literally has to agree to reimburse you, ONLY IF THEY ARE LOWER PURITY or tell the whole board he isn’t willing to reimburse a customer with shitty raws that they sold him. He loses either way. You win the argument either way. You get your free test, and reimbursed or you show the board how bad of a source in this case PPL is. I’m lmfao. good job dude. @purplepandaRep

Now I do understand if you use Jano he will say jano sucks and this and that. And then he probably has a connection with the source he advises you to use. So your in a hiccup either way. But i see past his BS.


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Oct 13, 2021
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Well, if he stands 100% behind his product, and it is what he claims it is, he can’t lose; I risk to lose more because testing and shipping costs a fuck ton more than 20 grams of test cyp. And I never asked PPL to do anything, nor am I complaining about the Primo which costs $20 a gram.

If PPL is as reputable as they claim, they would have acted just like the company I linked the email screen shot. The company I used to get my T3 and Clen is a private company that doesn’t even exist on boards; they only expand via word of mouth, and you can’t even get on their list without a referral from someone in the bodybuilding community. PPL must think I was born yesterday just because I’m new to this board, and also thinks I’m dumb enough to fall for a reverse bluff.
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