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New member
Apr 19, 2023
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I'm getting ready for my first cycle. A little background: I'm 50, I'm not new to the gym but I've only just recently gotten back into it (12 weeks ago), I'm 215lbs (97.7kg), 5'11" (180cm), lean mass multi-site caliper calc 177lbs (80.5kg).

My intent is to start in the shallow end. I have zero previous experience with steroids. After a little research I concocted a cycle (image attached).

I'm looking at 8 weeks of slowly increasing enanthate for 200mg/wk to 350/wk; 20mg anavar daily; 250ui hcg 2X/wk; aromasin 12.5mg 3X/wk.

hcg and aromasin will carry on into 4 wk PCT with Nolvadex 20mg daily for first two weeks and then 10mg daily for the last two weeks.

Fits this have any merit? Is it completely ridiculous? Close? Not even?

I'd appreciate any input and thanks in advance.


Active member
Oct 29, 2022
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I think it’s pointless to start at 200mg per week for test e. 200mg/wk will put you slightly over natural t levels. I’d run 400-500mg per week of test. What’s the point of shutting down your natural production for barely any gain? Cut out the anavar for a first cycle. See how you respond to test only and throw an oral in your second cycle. This should be one of the best runs and gains if you do it right.

Here’s what I’d do

10 weeks minimum
Test e 200-250mg mon/fri
HCG 250iu mon/fri
Aromasin 12.5mg eod

Maybe someone else can chime in with PCT. I don’t pct as I blast/cruise 😁


New member
Apr 19, 2023
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I think it’s pointless to start at 200mg per week for test e. 200mg/wk will put you slightly over natural t levels. I’d run 400-500mg per week of test. What’s the point of shutting down your natural production for barely any gain? Cut out the anavar for a first cycle. See how you respond to test only and throw an oral in your second cycle. This should be one of the best runs and gains if you do it right.

Here’s what I’d do

10 weeks minimum
Test e 200-250mg mon/fri
HCG 250iu mon/fri
Aromasin 12.5mg eod

Maybe someone else can chime in with PCT. I don’t pct as I blast/cruise 😁
Thanks, I appreciate the rundown.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2023
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Jesus Christ he's in his 50s and never done a steroid. 500mg a week is stupid

But also, don't slowly build up to 350mg a week, if you have black market test it's most likely 250mg/ml so doing 375mg a week is going to be easier to measure out

I'd run 375mg a week for 16 weeks, don't bother with the HCG. And 3x a week with 12.5mg asin is a little much break that into 6.25 a week if you can, or just 12.5 2x a week unless you have high E symptoms. Get bloodwork 4-6 weeks into your cycle to take a look at all your hormones.

And your PCT make it 8 weeks, 40mg for 4 weeks 20mg for 4 weeks. Bodies don't recover so well as we age, so might as well not have to do things twice lol


New member
Apr 19, 2023
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I think it’s pointless to start at 200mg per week for test e. 200mg/wk will put you slightly over natural t levels. I’d run 400-500mg per week of test. What’s the point of shutting down your natural production for barely any gain? Cut out the anavar for a first cycle. See how you respond to test only and throw an oral in your second cycle. This should be one

Jesus Christ he's in his 50s and never done a steroid. 500mg a week is stupid

But also, don't slowly build up to 350mg a week, if you have black market test it's most likely 250mg/ml so doing 375mg a week is going to be easier to measure out

I'd run 375mg a week for 16 weeks, don't bother with the HCG. And 3x a week with 12.5mg asin is a little much break that into 6.25 a week if you can, or just 12.5 2x a week unless you have high E symptoms. Get bloodwork 4-6 weeks into your cycle to take a look at all your hormones.

And your PCT make it 8 weeks, 40mg for 4 weeks 20mg for 4 weeks. Bodies don't recover so well as we age, so might as well not have to do things twice lol
Thanks for the insight. There s lot to consider and a long learning curve.


Active member
Oct 29, 2022
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Jesus Christ he's in his 50s and never done a steroid. 500mg a week is stupid
I’ve been dealing with little sleep and stress lately I must’ve missed the fact he was 50 thanks for catching this I agree it’s overkill for a 50 y/o


Active member
Jan 31, 2022
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Where are people getting this idea that 8 weeks is a long enough cycle for test? I keep seeing this pop up and I don't understand this logic as test doesnt fully saturate in ur system until about week 5, leaving only 3 weeks to let the compound do its thing. Extend it to 12-16 weeks.

Also, are u aware that at ur age PCTing may not work 100%? U may be opening the door to hypogonadism and TRT life. Nothing wrong with that, but always good to be informed on all the angles. Goodluck mate


New member
Apr 19, 2023
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Yeah, thanks. Definitely a lot to consider, which is why I'm here asking questions.


Active member
Aug 6, 2022
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I wouldn't consider stacking for your first cycle. Maybe just the Test to see how it treats you.


New member
Apr 19, 2023
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There's a lot to consider. It makes me wonder how any ever gets past the analysis paralysis.

Some say start small. Then someone else says, yeah but not that small. Some say don't stack your first time. Then others say definitely take hcg and somehow that's not stacking.

It's awesome that there is a community so willing to help, you just have to be able to parse the information overload. I vacillate between having to much and not having enough.

It's it the case that most n00bs just jump in with both feet because they're young and assume they'll live forever? I'd it uncommon for older guys to go want to test the waters?

I have no plans to build a cruise/blast life. I'm getting in shape for the first time in my life and I'm a little late to the game. So I thought I'd try to get a little bit of that youthful vigor I wasted on my youth back for one last hurrah. The problem now is I'm not so young and impulsive. 25 years ago I would have just jumped in. I guess we'll see. I keep searching, reading, talking and at some point I'll think I have enough info to pull the trigger.


Active member
Mar 22, 2020
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Maybe start out by getting a baseline blood work done to see if you could improve your life from trt? (you might have legit low levels and a need for the medication)
It is a bit of a commitment as trt is for life typically, but there are tons of guys who say that bringing their test levels up at an advanced age have really increased their quality of life.
Once you are on trt it really takes a lot of the fear out of blasting every now and then. Of course this is a highly personal question that only you can answer.


New member
Apr 19, 2023
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Maybe start out by getting a baseline blood work done to see if you could improve your life from trt? (you might have legit low levels and a need for the medication)
It is a bit of a commitment as trt is for life typically, but there are tons of guys who say that bringing their test levels up at an advanced age have really increased their quality of life.
Once you are on trt it really takes a lot of the fear out of blasting every now and then. Of course this is a highly personal question that only you can answer.
Yeah, that's my next step for sure.